Increasing Your
Website Traffic -
Tips For the
One thing is true -
a website without
visitors is useless!
You may have the
most up-to-date,
advanced, standards
compliant website
ever developed, but
without any visitors
you may as well
throw in the towel!
Visitors are the
reason you created
your website in the
first place. Whether
you are a global,
multi-million dollar
company providing
information to your
customers &
investors, a
nationwide bank
offering online
account management
or a lonely
affiliate marketer,
your website was
created for people
to read it, use it
or click ads on it.
OK, so that's
settled. Now on to
the juicy bit...How
do you get people to
visit your site?
How to Increase
Website Traffic
There are many ways
to increase traffic
to your website.
Online advertising,
public relations,
advertising, word of
mouth, leaflets &
flyers...the list
goes on. There is
only one problem -
all these things
cost money - and
usually lots of it!
The one exception is
word of mouth, but
for that to work you
need people to have
been on your website
in the first place
in order to pass the
word on to other
thinking 'chicken'
and 'egg'.
Another problem with
these forms of
advertising is that
after paying out all
that money, you have
no guarantee of
success. Your ad may
be displayed in your
paper, but that is
not to say anyone
will actually go
online and visit
your site. You are
risking a lot of
money for what could
be very little in
Thankfully, there
is another way...
Another way visitors
get to your website
is through search
engines. Search
engines not only
deliver a lot of
traffic, but even
better - targeted
Remember your ad in
the newspaper?
Remember how you had
no guarantee anyone
reading that
newspaper would
visit your website?
Well, imagine
instead, people
using a search
engine, actively
searching for the
service or products
your company offers.
The likelihood of
these people
clicking on your
company website has
Just one more
problem: They can
only click on your
website if it is
listed high up in
the search engine
results. So that
leads us to our next
question...How do
you get your website
listed high up in
the search engine
Simple. Links!
Links, links and
more links! There
are, of course,
other factors
involved, but seeing
as this is an
article for
beginners, lets just
stick with the
Links are the single
most important thing
a website can have
in order to rank
highly in the search
engines. Without
them, it is unlikely
your site will be
indexed at all -
never mind high up!
So, how do you go
about getting these
links? Well, there
are many ways - but
those tips are for
another article.
Suffice to say, you
need a lot of them &
it takes a lot of
time. Time much
better spent
concentrating on
other areas of your
That's where
comes in. Whether
you are just
starting out with
SEO, or you are an
agency who've been
around for years,
our link-building
services could
provide you with all
the links you need
to give you the edge
on your competition.
Find out about the
link building
we offer here.
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